We offer gas detection systems, according to project requirements for public and private buildings. We offer solutions combining fire/gas station or dedicated gas detection product manufactured by INIM, Sensitron or others.

More about gas detection:

Gas detection systems are prescribed by law. If your facility needs a detection system and to what extent it needs it, is defined for new buildings with a fire safety system/study of a fire safety.

Any subsequent changes in the function of the pre-existing premises (boiler rooms, kitchens, garages, etc.) or the introduction of new technologies (e.g. an implementation of gas cookers in school kitchens, hotels, restaurants, etc.) also require the installation of the gas detection system.

The systems consist of a gas station and gas detectors. Different gases can be detected (flammable, explosive, etc.). A gas detector based on a built-in probe for a specific gas communicates with a gas station or with a control unit.

The excess gas detector value is a warning signal or, at higher values, an alarm signal.

Depending on the type of gas and the control conditions determined by the fire safety project, the gas station performs various commands.

In case of a flammable gas such as e.g. petroleum, natural gas, the gas station closes the gas solenoid valve, activates ventilation and audibly/visually alerts the environment.

In case of oxygen-depleting gases, which may cause suffocation, such as e.g. carbon monoxide (garage houses), the gas station activates forced ventilation and alert the surroundings and controllers.


Company Headquarters

Office Dolenjska
Bildos d.o.o.
Stara cesta 34, 8351 Straža


Damjan Birk
+386 31 332 812

Radoslav Lazarević
+386 51 313 912

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